Under the Freedom of Information Act, a group of prominent scientists have requested that the U.S. Federal Government share the data that the FDA relied upon in licensing Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. The FDA says it needs 55 years to process the documents!

A report in the New York Times reveals that Governments have signed secret multibillion dollar vaccine contracts with Big Pharma, and given them liability shields, patent ownership, leeway on delivery dates and prices, much of which will not be made public.

In Mr Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Health and Human Services in the U.S. Government, on whom the public depends for guidance, is questioned by Senator Rand Paul regarding the coronavirus vaccines. Mr Becerra’s answers are deplorably ignorant!

To eradicate the coronavirus once and for all, It is imperative that governments consult prominent international epidemiologists regarding covid and the vaccines, and not just rely on data provided by Pfizer, a profit driven corporation. Mixing politics with science is deleterious in a democratic society. People are entitled to be informed openly on public media by all reputable covid vaccine researchers. For science to advance, critical thinking and open debate by scientists are imperative. People deserve that their governments provide transparency and accountability for the vaccines. Being ordered to “do what I tell you” is myopic and totalitarian, and could have serious consequences. Millions worldwide have already left their jobs or been terminated because they refuse to be vaccinated.

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